Chalon P, Delvenne C, Pasleau F. An information retrieval training tool targeting the PBL students at the University of Liege. 8th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries; 2002 Sept. 18-21; Köln, Germany. [Poster]
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Goffinet N, Delvenne C, Chalon P, Pasleau F. Daily management of the transition to the future. 8th European Conference of medical and Health Libraries; 2002 Sept. 18-21; Köln, Germany. [Oral presentation]
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Escutenaire S, Chalon P, De Jaegere F, Karelle-Bui L, Mees G, Brochier B, Rozenfeld F, Pastoret P-P. Behavioral, physiologic, and habitat influences on the dynamics of Puumala virus infection in bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus). Emerging infectious diseases. 2002;8(9):930-6. [Journal article]
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