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Automation, what to do with it?

Hourlay L, Costa E, Dauvrin M, de Meester C, Fairon N, Levy M, Chalon P. Automation, what to do with it? Expedited Scientific Research and Reporting (ESRO) at the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). J Eur Assoc Health Info Libr. 2024, 20(4):6-12. [Journal Article]

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Expedited Scientific Research and Reporting (ESRO) at KCE

Roberfroid D, Castanares-Zapatero D, Chalon P, Costa E, Dauvrin M, de Meester C, Desomer A, Fairon N, Hourlay L, Jonckheer P, Kohn L, Lefèvre M, Levy M, Ombelet S, San Miguel L, Schönborn C, Van de Voorde C, Van den Heede K. Expedited Scientific Research and Reporting (ESRO) at KCE. Method. Brussels. Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). 2024. KCE Reports 386C. [Report]

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Keeping up to date with information retrieval research: Summarized Research in Information Retrieval for HTA (SuRe Info)

Chalon PX , Ormstad SS, Isojärvi J, Arber M, Droste S, Duffy S, Glanville J, Golder S, Kaunelis D, Lefebvre C et al. 2014. Keeping up to date with information retrieval research: Summarized Research in Information Retrieval for HTA (SuRe Info). 14th EAHIL Conference "Divided We Fall, United We Inform - Building Alliances For A New European Cooperation". [Oral Presentation]

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