Chalon PX.
2007. VDIC - Vesalius Documentation Information Center. First International conference on national digital libraries of health. Leuven (Belgium) 15/06/2007 [Oral presentation]
Escutenaire S, Chalon P, De Jaegere F, Karelle-Bui L, Mees G, Brochier B, Costy F, Rozenfeld F, Pastoret P-P.
2003. Long-term Studies of Puumala Virus Infection in Bank Voles: Can Host Studies Be Generalized Across Continents? 52nd Annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Dec. 3-7. Philadelphia (USA) [Oral presentation]
Goffinet N, Delvenne C, Chalon P, Pasleau F. Daily management of the transition to the future. 8th European Conference of medical and Health Libraries; 2002 Sept. 18-21; Köln, Germany. [Oral presentation]
Escutenaire S., Chalon P., Heyman P., Verhagen R., Thomas I., Pastoret P-P. Epidemiology of hantavirus infection among wild rodents in Belgium. Workshop of the Nordic Viral Zoonose Network (NVZN), 1999 Sept.; Kilpisjärvi, Finland. [Oral presentation]
Escutenaire S., Chalon P., Heyman P., Verhagen R., Thomas I., Pastoret P-P. Epidemiology of hantavirus infection among wild rodents in Belgium. Second International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses; 1998 Nov.; Strasbourg, France. [Oral presentation]