Chalon PX, Droste S, Ormstad SS. 2011. Evolution of the HTAi vortal: a user centered approach. 8th annual meeting HTAi (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). [Poster]
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Chalon PX. 2010. Standards to enhance interoperability of information systems and efficiency of information exchange. 7th HTAi Annual Meeting (June 6-9 2010, Dublin, Ireland). [Poster]
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De Jaegere F, Chalon P, Sulon J, Beckers J-F, Rozenfeld F, Pastoret P-P, Escutenaire S. 2003. Relationship between steroid hormones concentrations and Puumala virus infection in adult male bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus). 52nd Annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Dec. 3-7. Philadelphia (USA). [Poster 538]
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Chalon P, Delvenne C, Pasleau F. An information retrieval training tool targeting the PBL students at the University of Liege. 8th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries; 2002 Sept. 18-21; Köln, Germany. [Poster]
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